Most frequent questions and answers

As a customer you can choose from two test options.

  • The first is the “classic” nose-throat swab.
  • The second option is a saliva test in which you do not get a throat and nasal swab.

The PCR and rapid tests that we use have been approved or “validated” by the RIVM and therefore meet the requirements set by the GGD and RIVM. Depending on availability, we use Roche and Abbott Panbio. The Roche Rapid Test has a specificity of 99.68% and a sensitivity of 96.52%. The Abbott Panbio has a sensitivity of 93.3% (98.2% for cases with Ct value ≤ 33) and a specificity of 99.4%.

The PCR test result / certificate will be sent to you by e-mail within 24 hours (if you order it from Monday to Friday and Sunday). We aim to provide you with the quick test result by e-mail within 20 minutes. The quick test certificate will be sent to you on the same day.

Instead of a cotton swab in the nose and throat, the saliva test should be spit into a specially designed container.

This test has been approved by the RIVM and the GGD.

Our PCR tests; the saliva and throat and nasal swab are internationally recognized. In the event of a negative test result, you will receive your internationally recognized travel statement.


Most countries currently have entry restrictions as part of the corona measures. A negative PCR test with a medical certificate is then necessary to be allowed to travel in the country and to avoid mandatory quarantine.



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